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How To Be Found At The Top Of Google For Your Most Profitable Keywords Without Knowing Anything About SEO In Six Months Or Less.

By: Paul Clarke
Published: May 6, 2019

SEO has evolved, and it’s no longer about having a few keywords dotted around your site to get Google to notice you…

Today your website is about defining your online identity and how you as a business can differentiate yourself and more importantly WIN more business in an ever-increasingly competitive environment.

Your business needs a solid online strategy to help you be found across the internet for the goods and services you sell. But how do you do that without being an SEO ninja?

With a typical website only retaining 97% of your visitors long enough than a few seconds, getting more traffic to your site is not the only consideration, you also need to do something more to keep them there.

a typical website only retaining 97% of your visitors long enough than a few seconds Share on X

Your strategy needs to both attract more visitors as well as make it “stickier” for when those visitors land. They need to be immediately engaged and encouraged to stick around long enough to learn more about what your business can do for them.

Once they have a modicum of trust with your brand, you then want them to engage with your business through picking up the phone and calling your number and/or visiting your store, if you’re a retail outlet.

So, I bet you’re thinking this is going to be really complicated and hard to understand?

Well, that’s where you’re wrong.

From all of the techniques I have studied over the past 20 years, I have found one of the easiest ways to achieve results, and one which most of your competitors probably don’t have and can’t compete with is a blog.

Yep, the humble blog is a gold mine if you are a business who wants to get more customers, position yourself as an expert and become the trusted leader in your field.

Welcome To Our Blog…?

I am sure you have seen them before, a business website that actually features a blog, it’s by no means a rare site, however, more often than not, it’s completely lacking in content…

In fact the internet is littered with business sites that have abandoned blogs which mostly feature one solitary blog post, normally entitled something like, “welcome to our blog” or even worse, the default “hello world” post.

If there is any content, typically, the post will consist of a couple of lines explaining that they’ll be posting updates regularly to keep you up to date with what’s happening… despite it being posted some years back, with no additions or updates.

Whenever you see that, you know that they’ve probably had their site redesigned at some point in the past and they thought it was a good idea to incorporate a blog. Like most businesses, however, once they have posted that initially content, they find the novelty soon wears off and there is no appetite from any staff member to blog regularly, so it follows all the other neglected sites to the business blogging graveyard never to be resurrected.

How Can My Blog Be Different?

If developed correctly your companies business blog will be the thing that can be the differentiating factor and easily help your business stand out from the competition.

What’s more, is that pound for pound it also represents the best return on investment there is when compared to most other client acquisition techniques.

pound for pound a blog represents the best return on investment there is when compared to most other client acquisition techniques Share on X

The fact is that despite how unique we all think our businesses are, all industries broadly share the same type of pages, content and ideas across their website.

When you browse the internet and look at websites of small to medium-sized businesses in your industry, you’ll see the same pages over and over again. Typically, you’ll see the “home page”, naturally, then there is the “about us” page, “contact us” and possibly even a “services” page too.

Sure, the content is unique, mostly… The designs are different, but you’ll find the ideas, subjects and pages are broadly the same.

So, if you think about the search engines and how they work, it’s going to be a hard job for them to separate those sites and rank them according to who provides the most valuable content, It’s virtually impossible, even for a Google algorithm. …So, how hard do you think it might be for a potential customer looking for the best supplier to her company or who will give her the best service?

The answer my friend is a blog, and It’s a way to add valuable content to your company’s website beyond the static pages typically found in your navigation bar.

How Can You Get More Customers Through Having A Blog?

Once you make the commitment to your company’s blog, something magical happens…

With a few well-written posts, It instantly catapults you ahead of your competitors.

Once you start consistently publishing content you will start developing a greater reach than your site has ever had on the internet. As well as attracting more engagement with people who will become fans of what you do, it will draw in those people who will want to know more and want to engage with your company.

And because Google is changing from a search engine to an “answer” engine, it also allows you to provide content which can add value for your readers. But crucially you’re able to provide the answers people are looking for when searching for your products or services.

If you can provide the right type of information and do it consistently, it will pay off through your site appearing in top positions for more and more search terms.

The great thing is, as you’re an expert in your industry, producing content no longer becomes about cramming the keywords you think are the best for you website to get the traffic you crave, but instead morphs into content which can answer your customer’s questions and fulfil their needs, and therefore, providing value. All you need to do is think about the questions people already ask you?

producing content no longer becomes about cramming the keywords you think are the best for you website, but instead morphs into content which can answer your customer's questions and fulfil their needs, and therefore, providing value. Share on X

It also allows your brand to develop its voice and for people to get to know you as an expert who is also trustworthy and authoritative… Which coincidentally are all the things Google are looking for from a website to determine which they should rank higher. And we all know that if you give Google what it wants, they will reward you in the best way they know how… with more traffic.

If you would like more help with your website, SEO or content strategy for your blog, then give me a call on
03333 448049 and I’ll be happy to have a chat.

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